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Vegetables are very important in the diet because they are rich in vitamins, minerals, cellulose and water. Some vegetables, such as peas and beans are also rich in proteins. Vegetables are easily available all the year round and should be eaten every day.
Classes of vegetables. It can be divided into six classes:-
1. Root vegetables - potatoes, yam beans, carrots, radish, ginger, yam, tapioca, sweet potato.
2. Green vegetables - lettuce, leek, spinach, mustard, spinach, spring onions, water cress, cabbage, onion, chives.
3. Pulses - green peas, french beans, bean sprouts, long beans, soya bean, horse gram, four angle beans.
4. Shoots - bamboo shoot.
5. Fruits - cucumber, tomatoes, bitter gourd, pumpkin, vegetable marrow, snake gourd, chilies, green peppers.
6. Flowers - cauliflower, leek flower, chives flower.
Vegetables can be eaten raw or cooked by boiling, blanching, frying, steaming, stewing or grilling.
Vegetables are cooked:-
1. to kill germs;
2. to cook the starch and make it more digestible;
3. to soften the cellulose;
4. to improve the flavor.
Choice of vegetables:-
Root and fruit vegetables
1. Small or medium sized are best as they are young and tender and are better flavored.
2. They should be well shaped, firm and clean with no breaks or bruises in the skin.
3. They should be a good color.
4. They should be freshly picked and should not be dry and wrinkled.
Green vegetables
1. They must have green, fresh and crisp leaves.
2. The leaves should not be worm-eaten.
3. Vegetables in season are cheapest and their best.
4. Avoid withered, dry or yellow leafed plants, as vitamin C has been lost.
5. It must be clean, of good color and without flowers.
Preparation and cooking of root vegetables:-
1. Wash and scrub it.
2. Prepare just before they are needed.
3. Avoid soaking in water as much as possible, as vitamins and mineral are lost in the soaking water.
4. Cook it in their skin whenever possible.
5. When it have to skinned, do so just before cooking and peel as thinly as possible.
6. When boiling vegetables, us a little water as possible, except when making vegetable soup.
7. Put it into boiling water to boil and cover the saucepan while boiling.
8. Whenever possible, steam vegetables rather than boil them.
9. Never overcook vegetables.
10. Serve vegetables as soon as they are cooked.
Preparation and cooking of green vegetables:-
1. Use it as soon as possible after buying or picking.
2. Wash it under a running tap but do not soak them.
3. Prepare vegetables just before cooking. Cut or pluck vegetables after washing, not before.
4. Vegetables to be eaten raw should be washed in a very mild disinfectant, example salt water or a very solution of potassium permanganate.
5. It to be served raw must be washed with extra care.
6. Cook green vegetables as little as possible. It is better to under cook then over cook.
7. Put it to be boiled into boiling water, never into cold water.
8. Cook it in as little water as possible and cover while cooking.
9. Never add soda bicarbonate or any alkali to water used for boiling vegetables.
10. Serve it as soon as they are cooked. Do not re-cook vegetables
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