Weight loss is a big problem for many people in those days. With our racing program, the drive thrus and take the restaurants, it is easy to see why obesity is rising. There are many products on the market that keeps the best way to lose weight. But the fact you do not need any of these products. The secret is to lose weight naturally simple: you have to do.
Recommended weight loss diet
• Early in the morning
1.Juice of half a lemon into a glass varies in temperate waters and a teaspoon of honey.
• Breakfast
1. soybeans or wheat Mung and a cup of skim milk.
• Morning
1. A glass of orange juice, pineapple or carrot juice.
• Lunch
1. Salad of raw vegetables such as carrots, beets, cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes. steamed vegetables or cook
2. whole wheat bread, whole or bread chapati (Indian bread) and a glass of buttermilk.
3.Roast cumin seeds, coriander leaves, a pinch of salt and some grated ginger in butter milk varied.
• A mid-afternoon
1. Coconut water
2. Dried Fruit
3. Lemon tea
4. Vegetable soup
• Dinner
1. Whole grain bread or chapatis
2. Steamed vegetables
3. Seasonal fruits except banana and apple.
Ways to lose weight
Twenty ways to lose the natural weight loss and weightsimple.
1. Food programs with high protein content happily available from a variety of meat, dairy products, eggs, cheese, nuts, dried fruit, yogurt and stress. E 'beneficial to reduce the amount of break with the protein. A rule of thumb is concerned, as regards the flesh, so if it floats, fish, when flying, so that the poultry has improved, it's better if it goes as a protest or pork.
2. Than likely, food grown without toxic chemicals or use RoseSpray or additives. Wash fruits before eating methodically. Enzymes from common fruits help you lose weight.
3. Steam vegetables or cook with a minimal amount of water and to minimize the destruction of vitamins as soon as possible .. Use the water for soups, stocks ... to lose weight.
4. Minimize intake of trans fats and avoid saturated fats, can be found in something that says "hydrogenated" or "partially hydrogenated".
5. Avoid the use of soft drinkand drinks containing caffeine such as coffee, tea and cola. Instead, consume, if possible, fruit juices, water and herbal teas without caffeine.
6. In times of year when fresh vegetables are not available, frozen vegetables are the next best choice, because it is frozen with liquid nitrogen and kept most of the nutrients. Avoid canned vegetables and fruits because they tend to be either cooked or prepared in solution or fruit sugar.
7. Minimize the use ofnormal salt such as sodium chloride. Use Morton's salt substitute (high in potassium), or onions, chives, garlic and lemon, mushrooms are useful for salt substitutes.
8. Avoid fast food like salt and additives. Eliminate the use of carbonated beverages, carbonated water or soda. Steal the body of calcium. Their calcium balance is necessary for the metabolic program.
9. Prepare to minimize a moderate amount of food residues for three reasons: the residues are tempted A.Fine, so it does not remain. B. Left Overs when they are heated, they lose much of their nutritional value. oxidized C. Waste and disturb the normal functioning that interferes with weight loss.
10. Use unsalted butter to margarine, however, and where possible to minimize the use of butter. Instead, season foods with herbs and spices and lose weight naturally.
11. Meat Loaf in a pan without fat. Use Pam.
12. Use canned fish packed inWater.
13. Replace half the oil in a sauce with broth or water.
14. Use yogurt instead of mayonnaise or sour cream.
15. Thickening soups and sauces with pureed vegetables instead of flour or corn starch.
16. Instead of sauce, beef broth and stewed.
17. Avoid using aluminum cookware as aluminum is toxic to the human body.
18. Eating fruits and fruit juices or drinks ½ hour before or half an hour after eating in a properDigestion of proteins.
19. Microwave ovens are great for hot water, but questionable for cooking.
20. The nutritional value of milk products, namely milk, cheese and butter are questionable. If you include them, use skimmed milk and cheese nonprocessed to lose weight naturally help.