Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Recommended Daily Menu for a Colon Cleanse Diet

Image : http://www.flickr.com

Over the last decade in part of the general population there has been a growing movement (pardon the pun!) where people have embraced "natural" methods to help them prevent illness and reduce the risk of health problems occurring. One of the ways that this has been accomplished is through the adoption of a colon cleanse diet.

A colon cleansing diet does not need to be hard or torturous, although some people do go through a fasting and detoxification phase, which can sometimes be a little arduous, this is not necessary if the aim is to embrace a healthier diet from this point onwards.

It is a natural state for our colon to be clear of build up - there is no physiological reason why any of the foods we eat, once digested do not get expelled easily and naturally - However, this is not the case for large number of people.

The typical "western" diet consists of many hard to digest elements, and ones that as we evolved we are not equipped to deal with effectively over long periods.

Diets that are high in fat, contain a lot of red meat or processed meats, include a large proportion of processed foods, and contain little dietary fiber are the norm among large bodies (pardon the pun again!!) of the population.

Once a build up occurs in the colon, the body will normally be able to eliminate the waste matter, however, if this build up is allowed to progress, often due to poor diet and inactivity, it can lead to a position where the colon becomes narrower, which can cause constipation. It can also reduce the ability for the colon to absorb nutrients from the food.

This sort of environment is the ideal breeding ground for parasites, "unfriendly" bacteria and can encourage yeast overgrowth.

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First off, you need to know what you have to avoid in your diet to improve colon health. Don't be put off by the list, it may seem that this is a list of all the foods you enjoy, but we will come to the foods that are fine to include in a candida diet soon.

Foods to restrict/ avoid include:

o Black tea and coffee

o Pasteurized milk

o Sugar laden cookies, potato chips and other junk foods

o Sodas

o Alcohol

o Foods from fast food joints

o Fatty (fried) foods

o Avoid smoking (not a food but important to restrict or eliminate)

This list can seem harsh, especially if you view coffee as the crutch that can get you through the day, and cookies and potato chips gives us great company when where watching TV. While it is recommended to avoid them, having a little bit once in a while will not adversely effect the diet if the rest of the diet is maintained. Just have enough discipline to limit yourself.

Here is an example of a healthy colon cleansing diet:

For breakfast, you can have fresh fruits and fruit juices, in fact, an apple can work better in giving a boost of energy to a person than coffee, as the inevitable "caffeine low" is avoided. You may also have prunes, low salt low fat cottage cheese, oatmeal cereal, natural sheep and goat yoghurt, and some boiled or poached eggs from time to time.

For lunch options include fresh vegetable salad with no dressing, brown rice, steamed vegetables, cottage cheese pumpernickel sandwich, vegetable soup, or sprouted beans.

For dinner, you may have more salad, grilled or steamed fish, cottage cheese or a small omelette.

For snacks, dried fruits would do fine.

So go ahead, try out a colon cleanse diet and if you are interested in knowing more then take a look at our website below.

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