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Those on a detoxification program can benefit from extra vitamins, minerals, enzymes and other nutrients. All of that can be obtained from freshly prepared juice. Juicing diets have been popular for ages. But, why to drink a juice when you can eat a fruit? When you eat the fruits or vegetables, most of the vitamins and minerals get destroyed while passing through the body. A juice from any fruit or vegetable has the same amount of nutrients as the fruit or vegetable. But, juice is digested faster than the food. This is how you get more nutrients while eating less!
Juicing is a consumption of two to four glasses of freshly prepared juice throughout the day while on the juice diet. The emphasis is on "freshly prepared". Juices do not store well as they lose their nutritional value relatively quickly. Juicing does not mean you should avoid drinking water. On the contrary, continue drinking 2 liters of water daily helps juicing diet work better.
How to make juices? It is advisable to use organic produce. The skin of most vegetables and fruits including lemons can be left on. However, oranges, grapefruits, kiwis, papayas, beets, and carrots should be peeled. Apple seeds should be removed, while grape seeds may be left in. In a juicer use sweet and sour fruits separately. This way, the body can absorb their juices easier. Try to mix apple, melon and carrot without the greens. This combination is tasty and easy to digest. If you have never done vegetable only juicing before, try to use combination of celery, fennel and cucumbers. It is easily tolerated by those just starting out with vegetable juicing. If find the taste too strange, try to mix them with either carrot or apple juice.
When you decide to end juicing, do not just start eating some food. Help your body to get accustomed to your regular diet. The first meal after juicing should be a salad, a juice and an herbal tea. Then you can eat a salad with a warm soup or some steamed vegetables with the juice and an herbal tea. In the next days do not stop eating salads and drinking juices. Do not substitute juice for vegetables after the diet is completed. Eat your vegetable salads and little by little begin adding some organic brown rice, backed potato, or boiled fish. Continue drinking 2 liters of water daily.
Juicing is a great addition to any kind of cleansing. But, it is especially beneficial when doing liver detox and blood cleansing. Most beneficial for the liver are beets and artichokes. Beets help to reduce harmful fats in the liver and are great antioxidants. Artichokes encourage secretion of bile and protect cells of the liver. Juices made from leafy green vegetables contain chlorophyll that can detoxify and cleanse the blood. Fruit juices are great source of vitamins and minerals that help to fight bacteria and viruses in both the liver and the blood.
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