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You've probably heard of the cabbage soup diet. It 'really a quite simple way to remove several pounds in a week. The plan is simple, because you get to eat certain foods every day, and none of the foods are expensive and difficult to find.
Throughout the week of food you can eat all the cabbage soup you want. But it is not, that's all you can eat. Crude is not it? Cabbage soup is to build and maintain the hunger. AndCabbage soup is delicious!
The diet is low carbohydrate diet, protein is rather limited. It is therefore a kind of diet fashion, but will have dropped a few pounds very quickly and relatively easily too. Sometimes it is only a few pounds quickly lose motivation necessary for projects of more and more in shape you can control your weight.
I plan several times and is not persecuted so badly. Is not just a diet to loseWeight, is also a cleansing diet. Will not be processed foods to see, just simple basic foods, less bread and cakes. Yes, no cookies with chocolate chips or candy.
Here's what you eat: a day of fruit, another day, vegetables, fruits and vegetables can, bananas and milk for the fourth day, beef and tomatoes, on the fifth day, beef and vegetables, including rice Full and vegetables.
You will receive a detailed plan for each day and as you can see there are many foodsSelect the week, but different foods per day. What makes it easy to do, is the variety of foods. And 'only seven days, so there is a feeling, like many private plans food.
Now this is a solution on how to eat in the long term? No, one of which is short-long term plan to around ten pounds. Follow this with a solid plan for food and exercises to increase your metabolism, and in a few weeks can be a great improvement, as you can see and hear.
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