Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Cabbage Soup Diet What is All About

Image : http://www.flickr.com

Another diet program that goes around in the American diet, cabbage soup diet circles.

From the name itself, the cabbage soup diet is a program that figure includes cabbage soup as central. It may seem absurd at first and very different from other diet programs like Atkins and South Beach diet, but made a right.

The cabbage soup dietis based on the assumption that diets containing fiber, but low in fat may help the body to lose. The soup is usually made of cabbage, tomatoes, onions e. The soup allegedly burning fat content, as it has a high fiber content. In fact, the soup that you make every day, the more calories you will burn more and more pounds you lose. The flavor is sweet, they will be included with other foods.

Unlike other diet programs, There are no restrictions for the food industry, you take in all the time you drink the soup with every meal. Low-calorie vegetables, potatoes and beef, you can eat whatever you want. Clearly, in the program are asked to take on a diet of fruit juices and vegetables and unsweetened fruit.

A guideline, however, must be strictly adhered to is that all meals must be cooked on the grill or oven. No fried foods for the duration of> Diet. Another guideline is, alcohol, bread and other carbonated beverages, is quick to avoid weight gain.

One disadvantage of cabbage soup diet is that it is not in the long run. It can be done only for a period of seven days. By the end of the week, the person can lose up to £ 15 depending of course of the meal he or she has eaten during the program and what you need guidelines are followed. Beyond the week mandatory continuingThe program can be dangerous to your health already lost too much weight.

For this reason, often the cabbage soup diet diet, if you need to lose weight quickly. In fact, many people use the program in the form before enrolling in a diet long term. Some enter the program if the cabbage soup diet need to lose pounds for a special occasion.

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