Monday, March 8, 2010

The ten best ways to change the eating habits of the family

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We have learned over the years, the importance of good nutrition. One thing is to eat more fruits and vegetables a day. However, this need is realized to do something and make it an entirely different matter. Is not it? It 'easier said than done, and they know more than us. You might feel that its just a lot of food to consume, and many would agree with you. How is it that we do not feel the same way about junk food? It's easy to grab a handful of chips orPretzels. Here are some tips to consider.

1. Breakfast can be a test for the most part. But we all know how important a good. Here's a simple recipe to attract the most discerning eater. The smoothies, and are treated like a milkshake, not a meal. The ingredients vary depending on you and your family likes and dislikes. And you can make your own fresh ingredients.Add fresh fruit or fruit of your choice, a fat-free yogurt, and therego.

2. Change the way of making sandwiches. Share your bread spread with a selection of fresh vegetables, a bit 'of mayonnaise and a bit' of mustard. This spread gives a spicy flavor to any sandwich.

3. Think think think. What can I give the kids a snack that is healthy? Something sweet and chewy. I know! Dried fruits are sweet and hard, and delicious. E 'as a piece of candy for its sweetness. It can replace sugar ... in a bowl of hot cereal for breakfast. Not a badIdea.

4. We all know how some people react when the vegetables word is not said, is not it? Responding in particular, how our children in general. The finger-in-the-throat, which always me off. Not good. It 'a way for everything, and here is the juice! Fruit, vegetables and fruit, juice or just vegetables. You have a lot on hand and ready to go when they want a delicious snack or a drink to quench thirst.

5. Try something different for dinner. Havemembers of your family to choose which types of vegetables or fruit that you prefer and leave the vegetables to prepare a salad.You might be surprised at the taste. Let three or vegetables and fruit of their choice. See what they come up with. It seeks to promote a number of ingredients, at least. Each other, and the addition of dressing choice.

6. I've always been a fan of ads a bowl of fresh apples on a table or a kitchen table. The fascinatingwho goes to see the automatic, like go get something to eat. An almost unconsciously. One popular combo is peanut butter with raisins or bananas, or both, on bread or stuffing a stick of celery. Let your imagination run wild.

7. Dessert! Well, this is a forbidden subject of many. Desserts are not a prohibited and a simple solution is to change your eating habits is. Replace all the cakes, biscuits and cakes. Think of yogurt with a blanketcoating of rich fruit, and maybe some nuts. This dessert can be left to your creative abilities.

8. I remember growing exotic fruit and then bananas. Today, the types, however, there are more exotic fruits more common every day. They can be eaten like an apple or a peach.

9 vegetable soup, and it is easy to do. Use as vegetables, fresh or frozen meat or without meat. Photos of a day of hot and cold snowy. You have this picture? Nowone might add, with a bowl of hot soup, warming his hands around the cup.

10. Now that all fruits and vegetables has tried, you can ask them to be served in any case the choice of vegetables with dinner on one evening. The vegetables that you like and have at least one night a week.
How it works for you so far? Do not press the issue just to make your suggestions. They are also interacting with family members express theirCooperation. These steps are easy and some way to encourage their family to eat healthy.

Final Tip:
Make sure that the fresh fruit, fruit juices and vegetables are always available.

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