Tuesday, May 18, 2010

How to Control Your Appetite

Image : http://www.flickr.com

When we say appetite control, there's only one diet that comes to mind of many dieters, the Atkins Diet program. Dieters are surprised at how their appetite decreased heavily during in this diet regimen. The usual trigger to eat between meals has completely diminished by this program. With this thought alone, dieters believe that it is the best suitable diet program for them. The effects given by the food of the Atkins diet is probably the main cause of the appetite suppression experienced by many dieters.

Power of Protein

The main component of the Atkins diet is the consumption of more protein into the body. Protein is more powerful than carbohydrates in satisfying hunger. Some diet programs require dieters to take a carbohydrate-filled diet only to feel hunger every now and then. This is the reason why Atkins diet preferred more protein intake because it is proven to be more effective than carbohydrates when it comes to suppressing hunger.

Egg can do Wonders Too!

Eggs are extensively used in the Atkins diet. Why? It is because eggs are rich in protein and therefore are great in controlling appetite. According to recent studies, eating eggs during breakfast helps you avoid the feeling of hunger and urge to eat often. In the study, two groups were given food with the same calorie count; results showed that the group who ate eggs for their meal ate less throughout the day. Therefore, those who eat eggs in their meal were less likely to have more food intake in between meals.

Properties of eggs

Did you know that about six grams of protein is inside a single egg? This small amount has big effects in our body; it balances blood sugar and keeps us feeling full. This is needed to suppress the urge to eat often during the day. Egg yolks contain lutein and xenazanthin which are beneficial to our eyes. Better results from eggs can be achieved if they are taken in whole and not as egg yolks or egg whites only. Abundant amount choline is also found in eggs, which are beneficial for the functioning of the brain and providing good memory.

Vegetables in Atkins

The most common vegetable present in the Atkins diet program are the broccoli and cauliflower for their appetite suppressing outcome. These vegetables' bulkiness makes them perfect for dieters because they make the tummy feel full and therefore sends signal to the brain to release chemicals that will make one eat less.

Remember, whenever you feel full, appetite is reduced. Regardless what food you take, as long as your tummy is satisfied, your brain reacts by signaling your body to feel the not needing to eat. But if you do not enjoy vegetables that much, you can still have the same effects with psyllium husk and water.

Small amount is the key

The secret to make Atkins diet work for you is by having small meals throughout the day. You can spread the calorie intake by consuming small portion of food rather than plunging into one large meal three times a day. This will send the signal to the body from the brain to urge off from food. Taking small amounts within the day also balances the sugar in the blood. With a high carbohydrate diet, sugar levels are increased whenever meal is consumed and tummy satisfaction is just for a short period of time making you crave more for food.

The Magic of Atkins Diet

Atkins diet gives only what is sufficient to your body. Proper intake of protein rich vegetables gives out quick energy to the body and balances your blood sugar level causing you to feel full all throughout the day.

For those who want to have a diet program that provides a positive weight loss results and still retain that essential energy to the body, Atkins diet is the best program to be in.

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