Friday, May 14, 2010

Rapid Weight Loss - Learn How To Slim Down Quickly

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Sometimes we just need to lose the weight asap. In this article, I'll tell you exactly how.

Oops - you say as you look down at your waist and your pants look ready to burst. But you have an important even coming up in days - what can you do about it? Luckily, there are some good methods for short term weight loss that you can start using today.

If you really want to lose the weight quickly then you must combine two things - diet and exercise.


For maximum weight loss, you must reduce significantly the amount of calories that you consume. This means making some huge sacrifices but remember that this is only for the short term. When your crash diet is over then you can start eating normally again.

For breakfast, eat only fruit. This will deliver the great nutrition that you need for the rest of the day. The best types of fruit are the water rich ones such as melon and oranges. Also, any fruit with a stone such as plums and peaches are also very good because they have a high glycaemic index and so prevent you from getting hunger pangs later in the day. Eat a few pieces, it will be hardly any calories.

For lunch, have some vegetable rich soup with a single piece of bread, no more.

For dinner, eat a small portion (size of an old cassette tape) of lean meat such as chicken. Also eat steamed vegetables such as broccoli or carrots.


For exercise, there is really only one candidate and that is HIIT or high impact interval training.

Go outside and jog at a fairly quick pace for 30 seconds. Now sprint as fast as you can for 30 seconds. Then alternate back and forth between jogging and sprinting. Do this for a total of 15 minutes.

That's all the exercise you need to do each day. You will burn more than any other exercise and you will also have an elevated metabolism for the rest of the day.

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