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The cabbage soup diet is a low-fat, high fiber diet, the program will help you start your weight loss. It also provides a lot of reasons - if anyone starts a diet they want to see quick results and this is exactly what made the cabbage soup diet.
This is a recipe for cabbage soup at the end of this article, but if you hate do not worry, today many heath food shops now offers carbon pills with the same nutrients, andLet's face it, there are a lot of people who do not like cabbage!
When the instructions mention daily cabbage soup, you can add carbon diet pills, if you prefer.
After the cabbage soup diet
Follow for a week and just melt the pounds away!
I'm not sure if you follow the diet completely defeat the object - in mind, only kept for seven days and is worth it
Here are thePrinciples of nutrition and some ways to maximize results:
Day One:
Fruit: Eat all the fruit you want (no bananas). Eat only soup and fruit for the first day. Drink unsweetened tea, cranberry juice and water.
Second day:
Vegetables: fresh, raw vegetables or cooked food, and what you do not.
Try to eat green vegetables and stay away from dried beans, peas and corn.
Eat all the vegetables that youdo with your soup. At dinner, ate a large baked potato with butter. Do not eat fruit.
Day Three:
Mix together one day and two: eat all the soup, fruit and vegetables you want, but no potatoes.
Day Four:
Bananas and skim milk:
Eating up to eight bananas and drink as many glasses of skim milk as you want on this day, along with the soup.
Day Five:
Beef and Tomatoes: Ten to twenty ounces of beef and up to sixfresh tomatoes to eat.
Do you drink to wash at least 6 to 8 glasses of water a day, uric acid from the body.
Eat the soup at least once this day. You can eat fried or baked chicken instead of beef (without chicken skin). If you prefer, you can roast fish for the beef stock to one of the beef days (but not both).
Day Six:
Meat and vegetables: Eat to your heart's content of beef and vegetables this day. You can also have 2 or 3 steaksif you like, with leafy green vegetables. No potatoes. Eat your soup at least once.
Day Seven:
Brown rice, unsweetened fruit juices and vegetables: As you wish.
It's over, and you've lost weight!
If it looks easy, wait till you try! The cabbage soup diet is not easy for many people on a diet, but the results are worth the effort.
One week
The cabbage soup diet is fullnutritious vegetables and fruits, and is extremely low in fat, but to reiterate: This diet is only for a week.
The cabbage soup diet is low in complex carbohydrates, protein, vitamins and minerals to stay for the long term. You must include the normal diet for at least two weeks before trying again.
Six things to keep in mind
1. Follow the diet closely - if not, then it does not work
2. Drinkat least 4 to 6 glasses of water a day
3. Keep motivated! - Remember that it is only for seven days
4. Supplementing the diet with a multivitamin and mineral tablet
5. Eat plenty of soup - as much as you want! If you hate to use the soup over pills
The cabbage soup diet is one of the most effective ways to launch a program of weight loss.
It offers fast and not easy to know that diet alonedo it for seven days and can take a break before the resumption, it took itself.
abundance, finally, is providing the motivation to maintain weight loss, rapid weight loss once achieved
Here is a recipe for cabbage soup diet:
Cabbage soup diet recipe
6 large green onions
2 green peppers
1-2 cans diced tomatoes
1 bunch of celery
1 package Lipton onion soup mix
1-2 Bouillon cubes (ifrequired)
1 head cabbage
1) Cut the vegetables into small pieces and cover with water, you can V-8 juice.
2) It is the ingredients cook for 10 minutes.
3) Reduce to simmer and cook the cabbage soup until all vegetables are soft.
The cabbage soup powder to taste with salt, pepper, garlic, parsley, spices or whatever you want to add other seasonings.