Friday, December 10, 2010

green leafy vegetables to your diet as

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Many of us already know how vegetables are good for our health, but sometimes it is difficult to integrate them into our daily diet or in the form of salad, and often, that's all that little green salad.

Leafy vegetables are very nutritious and low in calories. The World Healthy Foods site ( is cabbage, kale, mustard, spinach, beets and turnips in the list of healthiest foods.Depending on the green, which can high in calcium, iron, antioxidants and vitamins A, C and K, among others. ( is a complete list.) Usually, the darker the green, the more nutrients. Leafy vegetables are also a good source of fiber.

So what they do? So here are some of my favorite easy tips:

* For cabbage or kale - washed, stems and roughly chopped a few Greens. Add one or two tablespoons of olive oil, a frying pan,Saute the vegetables for a minute or so, then add a small amount of butter and garlic, finely chopped (butter should keep the garlic from burning). Lightly salt and continue cooking and stirring over low heat until the greens are soft but not overcooked. (I prefer my green still slightly crunchy, so I do not cook long -. To me, if they are dark green and pasty, I overcooked) I like this serve as a side of beans and rice. You can get in order in the same bowl.

*Kale can be added easily to many different foods, without anyone knowing - Another idea for the kale. (Useful when you are cooking for picky eaters.) Wash and dry a bunch of kale, remove stems, then chop finely in a food processor (do not go!). Specify the amounts in zipper bag (I have about a cup of chopped cabbage per bag) and then into the freezer. You can then add the chopped cabbage with chili, soup, stir fry or spaghetti sauce while cooking - and none of the fussyEsser has to know what it is. I also add small amounts of macaroni and cheese.

* Mangold - Ok, if you're worried about fat, then this is not the recipe for you. Due to the high fat content, this is a recipe I've just about once a month, but it is always a hit. This is my version of Cheesy Chardonnay.

* Ingredients: 1 cup uncooked rice, 1 bunch full of spinach, 1 large onion, olive oil, 2 tablespoons of butter, salt and pepper, 1 package of sharp cheddar cheese, 1 / 4 cupParmigiano.

1. Cook rice 1 cup long grain brown rice according to package instructions. (Do not use white rice for this recipe because it's too bright and tacky.)

2. Over the last 20 minutes, the rice is cooking, chop the onion and saute in a pan with 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Cook until the onions begin to soft.

3. While the onion cooks, wash the spinach, remove stems and chop coarsely. When the onion is soft, add 2 tablespoonsButter in a pan and add the chard. Salt lightly. Stir, cover and cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, until the chard just Wilts (this should be no more than 3-5 minutes).

4. Cover the pan and layer some cheddar cheese over the beets. How much? This depends on your taste. I use about 1 / 2 small brick (maybe 4 oz) of cheddar cheese.

5. Cover with cheddar cheese, brown rice warm and wait a minute for the cheese to melt. Then mix the beets and cheeseRice to bottom.

6. Salt and pepper to taste.

7. If you want more flavor, that is, or add the Parmesan or Cheddar cheese. For more vegetables, you can use carrots or chopped garlic, and the chard is cooking.

As I said before, this is not a recipe for low fat. I serve with hot French bread with a drizzle of olive oil, and the entire meal.

So these are some ways to add diet vegetable salad, not to yours, and there are manymore. Fresh, delicious and innovative recipes by Georgeanne Brennan: Some good recipes can be found in Great Greens. The U.S. government now recommends eating at least two cups of half vegetables per day for the average person, and becomes quite boring if all you can eat lettuce, broccoli, carrots e. Add some 'leafy vegetables to your diet to a greater variety and better nutrition.

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