Saturday, December 12, 2009

Medifast Lean and Green - a simple solution to the extraordinary success weight loss

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One of the most common questions we get is a meal replacement diet, Medifast an explanation of lean and green selection menu. So many people are so conditioned to believe that the Medifast diet shakes all over, bar, soups and substitute foods that are surprised to discover the meaning of "normal" food as part of the Medifast philosophy is! So if you think about food, but the specific characteristics, or what type of real foods are not safeYou can eat, read, as we believe this simple choice that can help your diet Medifast a smooth transition will be one!

Medifast Lean and green in a sentence

Quite simply, it is allowed everywhere day 7 grams of lean protein, in combination with all the green vegetables you can eat! That proteins are spoken on the table? Your choice! Fish, chicken, beef .... Tofu, also for the vegetarian segment of the population! AndThe Greens? Spinach, broccoli, cabbage .... Everything your heart desires (and should!) An appropriate choice, and it works sometimes with that part of everyday health.

Can I Have NOT green leafy vegetables?

Yes, of course ..:-) But the key is, of course, with vegetables, are low in calories to stay, and stay away from fraud easier. Potatoes, for example, are not a good choice, or corn or other vegetables would be, which will be more calories. Brightcolored peppers and other nutrient-rich natural selection should fit well - but not putting a special emphasis on the Medifast diet and restorative power of green vegetables on the board. (in fact many are very dense in nutrients, the desire of the body, especially in the diet that is high power but low in calories!)

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